Engineering and industrial geodesy  

Introduction to the specifics of issues related to Engineering and Industrial Geodesy. Geodetic works at the stage of preparation of a construction project for various engineering objects h. Geodetic development of the project at the initial and detailed level. Rules for determining the required accuracy of the implementation of a construction object . Implementation, design, accuracy and reliability analysis. Methods and technologies of setting out. Assessment of the setting out in geodetic structures. Methods of detailed control in various phases of construction implementation. Measurement methods and techniques in inventory work on the control of various building objects and structures. Geometry of road routes and rounding of the refraction of routes in the horizontal plane . Transient curves as an element of the kinematics of vehicle movement on the roads . Industrial cranes (cranes) and control of their geometry. The scope of inventory measurements of the crane system. Methods for measuring and determining the alignment of track systems. Project topics: geodetic development of the design of an industrial plant, including, geodetic development of the design of the curvilinear section of the road route, solutions for the layout of the interchange section of the railway route with turnouts and inserts. Examination of the verticality of the building with selected measurement techniques. Measurements and elaboration in the field of flatness control of the building structure element. Development of a fragment of the road route using a clotoid, as a transition curve and determination of the coordinates of the main and detailed points of the road lane on this episode. Geodetic development of measurements of the crane track with the determination of routing corrections using linear regression. Analytical and graphic elaboration of the results.
Engineering and industrial geodesy

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